Fieldguide: Bands For Beginners

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You may have seen them hanging up on the pull up bar or someone using them to do a stretch at your gym. You may have tried to use one before but not really known how to use them properly…

So what can they really be used for and how can they benefit you?

They can help with your rehab, strength, flexibility, the possibilities are endless.

So let’s start by having a look at all the different types of bands and some simple, yet effective ways they can be used!!

What types of bands are they and what do they help you with?

This is the green mini band.

Green Band.jpg

Mini bands are great because you can use them to make sure you are getting all the right muscles working.

Get knee pain while you squat?

Feel like you’re always using your quads instead of your glutes?

Chuck the mini band above or below your knees while you squat and this will ensure you get your glutes firing throughout. You can also do this while completing a bridge or hip thruster to achieve the same result!

Banded Knee.jpg

Glutes are so important! If they are weak they can lead to back pain, knee pain and a lot of other issues. This also means if you have these issues the mini bands are awesome for helping get rid of pain.

Mini bands are also great for getting the right muscles to work around the shoulder.  

Banded Shoulder .jpg

They are also small and light so you can easily take them anywhere for a quick workout.  

Larger power bands

The longer power bands come in an assortment of colours which correspond to a different thickness and strength. Which resistance you want depends on what you’re using it for and a whole lot of different factors.


The bands can be used to help with the following:

  • Making things easier!

    Bands can be used to make exercises easier!

    For example if you struggle to do a pull up or chin up you can use one to assist you up.

    You can do this by looping one part around the pull up bar and putting your foot into the loop while pushing down.

    If you are a beginner you may have to start with the thickest band and as you improve you can make your way to the thinner ones with the least resistance.

Banded Pull Up.jpg
  • Helping you move better

    Bands can be used to help you improve your range of motion and flexibility. They can be used to help improve muscle length and joint movement.

    For people with stiff ankles you can tie one side of the band to a solid object and the other around your ankle and lunge forward. Pressure from the band helps open up your joint so you can move further forward, which means you can squat and lunge with better form.

    You can do this with many other parts of your body!

Image 1: Beginning Position, Image 2: End Position.

Image 1: Beginning Position, Image 2: End Position.

  • Neural mobility

    Nerves are funny things, they hate stretching.

    If you have ever felt an intense pull in your calf when you’re trying to touch your toes you will understand this. This sensation you feel in your calf is not your calf being tight it is your nerves stretching saying I do not like this.

    Bands can be used to get your nerves moving a little bit better and decrease the likelihood you will get pain with movements such as touching your toes.

    Here is an example of how you can do this. It is called nerve gliding. In other words getting your nerves used to moving in the extremes of your range.

Stage 1

Stage 1

Stage 2

Stage 2

  • Instead of using a weight

    Instead of using a weight you can use a band as resistance.

    You can do this by tying one part of the band to a solid object or in a door and using the other side to pull or push.

    Examples of exercises include: rows, shoulder pushes and strengthening your rotator cuff.

  • Making things harder

    You can use these bands as resistance as you start to get stronger.

    An example of this is doing a push up. If doing a push up is easy for you, you can add a band around your shoulders to make it harder.

So there’s a quick overview of all the bands at Fieldwork.

I hope you found it helpful!

If you want any more information have a chat to one of our friendly staff.

Look out for more blogs in the future where we move into more specific exercises with the bands!


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