Navigating Knee Pain For Active Runners in Inglewood

Running is a fantastic way to stay active and relieve stress, but it can sometimes lead to knee discomfort. As a dedicated knee physio in Inglewood, we often encounter runners facing knee issues primarily caused by overuse, changes in their running routine, or general wear and tear. Understanding these issues is the first step in addressing knee pain and returning to your favourite activity.

Three Common Knee Issues in Runners

1.      Runner's Knee (Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome): This is the most prevalent injury among runners, affecting the cartilage under the kneecap. It's often triggered by increased running intensity or terrain changes, leading to pain during running, squatting, and bending.

2.      Iliotibial Band Syndrome: This overuse injury results from the tightening of the tendon from the hip to the outer knee, causing outer knee pain. It frequently occurs when increasing your running distance.

3.      Jumper's Knee (Patellar Tendonitis): This is an overuse injury where the tendon is overloaded, typically causing pain in the front of the knee, especially during squatting, jumping, or landing​​.

At-Home Management of Knee Pain

If you’ve started feeling discomfort or knee pain, here are three steps you can take at home.

·         Take a break from running to allow your body to recover.

·         Apply ice to the affected area for pain relief.

·         Engage in low-impact activities like swimming to stay active.

These self-care measures can significantly help alleviate knee pain and promote recovery.

Professional Intervention: Knee Physio in Inglewood

For persistent or severe knee discomfort, it’s best to seek the help of an experienced knee physio in Inglewood. At our clinic, we offer a range of treatments, including:

·         Strengthening and motor retraining programs.

·         Physical therapy exercises tailored to your specific needs.

·         Manual therapies such as massage, myofascial release, and trigger point therapy.

These interventions are focused on providing immediate pain relief, preventing future injuries, and improving your running mechanics.


Keep Running Without the Pain

Knee discomfort doesn't have to hold you back from enjoying your runs. With the proper care and guidance from a fully trained knee physio in Inglewood, you can effectively manage and overcome your knee issues, ensuring a pain-free return to the tracks. So instead of searching Google for a “knee physio near me”, book an online appointment or email us to discuss your specific needs.


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